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Major Publications include:

Silver, Matthew, 2006, First Contact: Origins of the American-Israeli Connection: Halutzim from America During the Palestine Mandate, New York, Graduate Group Press

Silver, Matthew, 2010,  Our Exodus: Leon Uris and the Americanization of Israel's Founding Narrative, Detroit, Wayne State University Press

Silver, Matthew, 2013 Louis Marshall and the Rise of Jewish Ethnicity in America, 1856-1929, Syracuse, Syracuse University Press (selected as "finalist," National Jewish Book Council 2013 Awards)

Silver, Matthew, 2014,  Between East and West in Modern Jewish History (Hebrew), Tel Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House

Silver Matthew, September 2016, Who Can Beat the Big Money? A Century of Near Futile Struggle against Monopolies,  (Hebrew), Kinneret Zmora-Bitan Dvir Publishers

Silver, Matthew, 2020 , Zionism and the Melting Pot: Preachers, Pioneers and Modern Jewish Politics, Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press

Silver, M.M. The History of Galilee, 47 BCE to 1260 CE: From Josephus and Jesus to the Crusades (Lanham, Lexington Books, September 2021)

Silver, M.M. The History of Galilee, 1538-1949: Mysticism, Modernization and War (Lanham, Lexington Books, spring 2022)


Areas of interest

Modern Jewish History. Modern World History. Zionism, modern Jewish literature, Jews of US, Holocaust studies, history of the Galilee