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Tsarfaty, O. (October, 2002). “Media in ultra-Orthodox society: identity and memory.” Paper presented at the Conference of University of Paris 8 and the European Institute for the Study of Hebrew, Paris
Tsarfaty, O. (July, 2002). “Religious press in Israel: Chabad-Lubavitch movement papers and the Israeli-Arab peace process.” Paper presented at the IAMCR conference, Barcelona.
Tsarfaty, O. (July, 2003). “The conflict between Hassidic and Lithuanian Jews and the ultra-Orthodox press.” Paper presented at the conference of University of Vilna and Ben-Gurion University, Vilna.
Tsarfaty, O. (February, 2003). “Holocaust Martyrs & Heroes Remembrance Day in the ultra-Orthodox press.” One-day conference at Lipschitz College, Israel.
Tsarfaty, O. (July, 2004). "Religious involvement in the political dialogue in “Hatzofe” newspaper: A struggle between clashing values". Paper presented at the IAMCR conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Tsarfaty, O. (October, 2006)." Central Narratives in Coverage Disengagment" Paper presented at the  19th  European Scientific Conference of World Hebrew Union: 10 th Anniversary Celebration of the European Journal of Hebrew Studies.The Charles University. Prague. Czech Republic
Tsarfaty, O.& Cohen, Y. (July, 2008). "The Role of Mass Media in Secular-Religious Relations in Israel: a case study of Israeli college students".  Paper presented at the  IAMCR Conference,  Stockholm, Sweden
Tsarfaty, O.& Radojkovi?,M. (November, 2008)."Crossroads of identities; case study Israel -balkan" .  Paper presented at the X1th  International Scientific Conference
 The Dialogue with the Other: Balkan Dimensions of the European Identity,  
Sofia University and   UNESCO Chair “Communication and Public Relations
Tsarfaty, O.  Liran-Alper, D.( June, 2009). "Preservation vs. Change - Manifestations  of Feminist Discourse in Commercial Women’s/Family Magazines in Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel."  Paper presented at the 25th Annual  Association for Israel Studies Conference, Beer Sheva.
Tsarfaty, , O. Cohen, Y. (June, 2009).  " The Role of Mass Media as Information Sources and Sources of Views in Secular-Religious Relations in Israel: A Case Study of Israeli College Students".   Paper presented at the 25th Annual  Association for Israel Studies Conference,  Beer Sheva .
Tsarfaty, O.  Liran-Alper, D. (July, 2010). "Preservation vs. Change - Manifestations  of Feminist Discourse in Commercial Family Magazines in Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel."  Paper presented at the  IAMCR Conference,  Braga, Portugal.
Cohen, Y. &  Tsarfaty, O. (Augost, 2010). "Mass Media and Sources of Information in Secular-Haredi Relations in Israel" .  Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on   Media ,Religion and Culture, Toronto, Canada.
Tsarfaty, O.  (July, 2019) "Facebook as an arena of struggle for the right to political participation of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox)      /  Madridaper presented at the IAMCR International Conference inl"
  Tsarfaty, O.  Liran-Alper, D. (,Augost 2019)
Tsarfaty , O. (2024)