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The forcible transfer of indigenous children in North America and Australia are part of a global phenomenon that consisted of the kidnapping, trafficking, removal, and identity changes of children of particular groups.
Article II(e) of the United Nation Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide prohibits the forcible transfer of children of a group to another group (FTC). The FTC echoes domestic and international legal norms and policies for the protection of children since early twentieth century. Its particular applicability to specific victims within a protected group – children –conveys a unique ethical position compared to the other acts enumerated acts in Article II, and the UNGC as a whole. This uniqueness may justify the much needed conceptual leap from the legalistic western-biased notion of genocide towards a more inclusive recognition of the political, social, and economical aspects of genocide.
Available at:
Download File (opens in a new tab)   My co-edited volume: Critical Insights: The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank was just published by Salem Press.
  My book Twentieth Century Forcible Child Transfer: Probing the Boundaries of the Genocide Convention was published in 2019 by  Lexington Books.
Please see my author page at:
Download File (opens in a new tab)   My paper on the Yemeni Children Affair
  My article on the politics of victimhood in Israel
Download File (opens in a new tab)   An article on Article 2 (e) of the Genocide Convention
  Bikesha D. and R. Amir. (Forthcoming 2023). Global and Local Governance and Transitional Justice: The Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda. In R. Goldstein & N. Nachmias (eds.). Human Rights Interdependence in National and International Politics: Checks and Balances’ Effect on Global South Politics. New York: Routledge.
Amir, R. (Forthcoming 2023). The Plight of Child-Soldiers and Conflict Termination: Implications for Policy Makers. In Hans Peter Kreinman and Matej Medeveczki. From Peace to War, from War to Peace/Conflict Initiation and Termination: Implications for Policy Makers. Potsdam: CSWG Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group.