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  2013:  The 6th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal. "The challenge of engaging organizational diversity in divided societies: The case of ethnically mixed nurses' teams".
2015: The 14th European Congress of  Psychology, Milan, Italy. "A symposium on novel approaches to coping with diversity in complex societies".
2016: The 29 th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, New York USA. "Diversity climate at an academic campus: Perceptions of national minority and national majority students".
2016: The 9 th EMRBI Conference, Warsaw, Poland. " Diversity management at academic institution: students' perspective".
2017: The 30th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), Berlin, Germany. "  "Fitting the Forum to the Fuss"? studying encounters among diverse groups in contemporary  complex societies: A Roundtable".
2018: Annual EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia. "Managing intricate diversity in academic institution: the case of "triple periphery" in a context of a divided society".

2019: 32nd  Annual IACM Conference, Dublin, Ireland. "Engaging Diversity and Political Tensions in a Complex Work
Environment: In House Fishbowl". 
The 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS), Bar Ilan University, Israel. " From crisis to constructive partnerships between Arab and Jewish colleagues: How the “in-house” violence in Haifa turned into a catalyst for trust": 2022
ISPP 2022 Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece. " Jewish-Arab political partnership in mixed cities as a catalyst for shared life and social change": 2022
60th Conflict Research Society Annual Conference, King’s College London, UK. "Meeting with the enemy: Social enclaves promoting peace and reconciliation. The case of The Israeli-Palestinian bereaved families for peace": 2023