Senior lecturer in Behavioral Sciences Department; Head of the EEG-ERP laboratory
Areas of interest
The EEG-ERP (Electroencephalogram- Event-related potentials) method provides a noninvasive means of evaluating brain electrophysiology in
humans. It can afford an excellent temporal precision and resolution in measuring the dynamic nature of neural activity underlying information processing.
ERPs are scalp-recorded electro-encephalographic measurements of the activity of neural populations in response to visual, auditory or tactile stimulus. We
utilize advanced non-invasive neuro-imaging techniques to study brain mechanisms and dynamics underlying cognitive and emotional processing.
Correlations between neural activity and cognitive, behavioral, physiological and endocrine func tion are studied in various clinical and healthy populations (e.g. ADHD, PTSD, thalassemia and sickle cell anemia
patients, pregnant women).