דילוג לתוכן ראשי
  שמיר, א' וסמואל, י' (2006). קשרים בין למידה ארגונית ובין מאפיינים מבניים ותרבותיים בארגונים עתירי ידע: " חקר מקרה של בית חולים, סוציולוגיה, אתיקה ופוליטיקה,  הכנס ה- 37 של האגודה הסוציולוגית הישראלית, אוניברסיטת בר אילן, 22-23.2.06
שמיר בלדרמן, א' ( 2018).  הדרך אל האושר: מהבית אל העבודה (בתשוקה) וחזרה. הכנס השנתי ה-44 של האגודה הישראלית לחקר יחסי עבודה. אוניברסיטת תל אביב ( הרצאה מוזמנת)

Learn with People You Can Learn From: Trust, Need for Achievement, and Sharing of Information and Knowledge among Remote Learning Students Prague, Czech Republic The 40th Annual Conference of the AIS/12th Annual Conference of the EAIS 1-4/7/2024

When happiness is the quietness of working from home: Findings from home-based workers Tiberias, Israel (On line) Annual International Conference ON ISSWOV: Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors in the Aftermath of the Pandemic 23-26/6/24
No Room of Her Own: Married Couples' Negotiation of Workspaces at Home during COVID-19 Vienna
38th EGOS Colloquium- organization- the beauty of imperfection 7-9/7/2022

No Room of Her Own: Married Couples' Negotiation of Workspaces at Home during COVID-19 USA Work-Family Justice: Practices, Partnerships & Possibilities 23-25.6 2022 
No Room of Her Own: A Gendered-Spatial Analysis of Home-Working among Dual-Earner Couples during COVID-19 Kent, UK. 
The 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference of Gender, Work and Organization 15.6.2021

The relationship between work-family conflict, social support, happiness, and state-trait anxiety among single-mothers by choice at time of Corona Barcelona, Spain 9th International Conference of Work and Family 6-7 July 2021

No Room of Her Own: Gendered-Spatial Analysis of Work-Family Conflict during COVID-19 USA The virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

Using organizational conflict to promote the business case and/or foster social justice: The case of managers' voices Trieste, Italy Annual International Conference ON ISSWOV: Organization 4.1: The role of values in the organizations of the 21st century. 2.7.2018
Participated as a representative of the The YVC on behalf of the Center for Teaching Enhancement Center Brunel University, University of Northampton, and University of Greenwich, London, UK Teaching Enhancement Center 4.3.2018-8.3.2018
Managers' Voices in Organizational Conflict: Playing Meaningful Roles in Political Gambits. Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA. 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management 6.2016
Nurses-Managers' Coping with Organizational Discords: Conflict Engagement Perspective. London, UK Annual International Conference on Advances in Management 7.2013
National Conferences

 Don't look in the jar
The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 7.24
 The relationship among optimism, self-efficacy, occupational compromise, and happiness among young people in the post-Covid-19 period The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 7.24

 Happiness, organizational support, trust, and passion at work among physicians in public service The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 7.24

Learn with People You Can Learn From: Trust, Need for Achievement, and Sharing of Information and Knowledge among Remote Learning Students The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 6.23
Being Alone in Isolation: attitudes of mothers in Israel During the Covid-19 The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 6.2022
The relationship between work-family conflict, social support, happiness, and state-trait anxiety among single-mothers by choice at time of Corona Sapir College, Isreal 52th Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Association. 9.2.2021
And then they were two -work experiences of spouses who worked from home during the Corona crisis Sapir College, Isreal 52th Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Association. 9.2.2021
Happiness, passion at work and work life balanc The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 17.6.2019
 The path to happiness: from home to work (with passion) and back Tel-Aviv, University 44th Annual Conference Israeli Industrial Relations Research 13.5.2018

Frontal learning or online course? Student Attitudes Survey The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College 2th Annual conference of the Center for advancement of teaching 20.6.2018

Organizational learning relationships between structural characteristics and cultural knowledge-intensive organizations: A hospital case study. Bar Ilan University, Israel. Sociology, Ethics and Politics, 37th annual conference of the Israeli Sociological Association . 2.2006