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The ARC Research Team. (2007). Building partnerships: critical reflections on the Action Research Center (ARC), in A.B. Shani, N. Adler, S. A. Mohrman, W. A. Pasmore & B. Stymne, Handbook of Collaborative Management Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Desivilya Syna, H., Shamir, M, and Shamir Balderman, O. (2015). Nurses-Managers’ Acts in Organizational Conflict Spectacles: The Challenges of Public Sector Management in the Era of Globalization. In D. Vrontis, E. Tsoukatos and A. Maizza (eds.) Innovative Management Perspectives on Confronting Contemporary Challenges. (pp. 129-149). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Desivilya Syna, H., Shamir Balderman, O. and Shamir, M,. (2018). Using organizational conflict to promote, ignore or hinder humanistic values? The case of managers' voicesin: Lewis, A. and Stanusch, N. (Eds).Humanistic Values from Academic Community Perspective. Age Publishing (IAP) Charlotte, NC, USA. Approximate number of pages: 30
Shamir-Balderman, O. and Shamir M. (2022). The factors related to state trait anxiety among single-mothers in Israel at time of Corona. Social Issues in Israel, 31(1), 38-70 (In Hebrew)
Shamir, M. (2022). Knowledge-Power Relations Between InfrastructureOrganizations in the Third Sector - The Test Case of Israel. Quarterly for Organization Research and Human Resource Management, 7(1), 63-80 (In Hebrew)
Shamir-Balderman, A. & Shamir, M. (2022). Factors Explaining Situational Anxiety Among Single Mothers by Choice in Israel During the COVID-19 Crisis. Issues in Israeli Society, 31(1), 39-70. DOI: 10.26351/SIII/31-1/2
Shamir, M. & Shamir-Balderman, A. (2023). Being Alone in Social Isolation: Differences in Attitudes Towards Social Support, Situational Anxiety, Happiness and Work-Family Conflict Among Married and Single Mothers in Israel. Issues in Israeli Society, 32(1). DOI: 10.26351/SIII/32-1/4 (In Hebrew)
Shamir, M., & Shamir Balderman, O. (2024). Attitudes and feelings among married mothers and single mothers by choice during the Covid-19 crisis. Journal of Family Issues, 45(3), 720-743.
Shamir- Baldermam, O. and Shamir, M., (2024) Social Support, Happiness, Work–Family Conflict, and State Anxiety among Single Mothers during the Covid-19 Pandemic". Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 11(1), 1-12
Shamir, M. (2024). Love at second sight: I came by chance But then I fell in love - a development process Professional identity among third sector workers. Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterl 9 (1) 61-81. (In Hebrew)
The ARC Research Team. (2007). Building partnerships: critical reflections on the Action Research Center (ARC), in A.B. Shani, N. Adler, S. A. Mohrman, W. A. Pasmore & B. Stymne, Handbook of Collaborative Management Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Desivilya Syna, H., Shamir, M, and Shamir Balderman, O. (2015). Nurses-Managers’ Acts in Organizational Conflict Spectacles: The Challenges of Public Sector Management in the Era of Globalization. In D. Vrontis, E. Tsoukatos and A. Maizza (eds.) Innovative Management Perspectives on Confronting Contemporary Challenges. (pp. 129-149). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Desivilya Syna, H., Shamir Balderman, O. and Shamir, M,. (2018). Using organizational conflict to promote, ignore or hinder humanistic values? The case of managers' voicesin: Lewis, A. and Stanusch, N. (Eds).Humanistic Values from Academic Community Perspective. Age Publishing (IAP) Charlotte, NC, USA. Approximate number of pages: 30
Shamir-Balderman, O. and Shamir M. (2022). The factors related to state trait anxiety among single-mothers in Israel at time of Corona. Social Issues in Israel, 31(1), 38-70 (In Hebrew)
Shamir, M. (2022). Knowledge-Power Relations Between InfrastructureOrganizations in the Third Sector - The Test Case of Israel. Quarterly for Organization Research and Human Resource Management, 7(1), 63-80 (In Hebrew)
Shamir-Balderman, A. & Shamir, M. (2022). Factors Explaining Situational Anxiety Among Single Mothers by Choice in Israel During the COVID-19 Crisis. Issues in Israeli Society, 31(1), 39-70. DOI: 10.26351/SIII/31-1/2
Shamir, M. & Shamir-Balderman, A. (2023). Being Alone in Social Isolation: Differences in Attitudes Towards Social Support, Situational Anxiety, Happiness and Work-Family Conflict Among Married and Single Mothers in Israel. Issues in Israeli Society, 32(1). DOI: 10.26351/SIII/32-1/4 (In Hebrew)
Shamir, M., & Shamir Balderman, O. (2024). Attitudes and feelings among married mothers and single mothers by choice during the Covid-19 crisis. Journal of Family Issues, 45(3), 720-743.
Shamir- Baldermam, O. and Shamir, M., (2024) Social Support, Happiness, Work–Family Conflict, and State Anxiety among Single Mothers during the Covid-19 Pandemic". Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 11(1), 1-12
Shamir, M. (2024). Love at second sight: I came by chance But then I fell in love - a development process Professional identity among third sector workers. Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterl 9 (1) 61-81. (In Hebrew)