דילוג לתוכן ראשי
  שמיר, מ., מש, ג. ורפאלי, ש "ההשפעה של רשתות חברתיות על נכונותם של סטודנטים לשיתוף יידע במערכת לימוד מקוונת"  האדם הלומד בעידן הטכנולוגי: כנס צ'ייס לחקר טכנולוגיות למידה קריית האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, רעננה 01.03.2006
Desivilya Syna, H., Shamir, M., and Shamir Balderman, O. (2013). Nurses-Managers' Coping with Organizational Discords: Conflict Engagement Perspective. Annual International Conference on Advances in Management. London, UK, July, 2013   Desivilya Syna, H., Balderman-Shamir, O., & Shamir, M.(2016) Managers' Voices in Organizational Conflict: Playing Meaningful Roles in Political Gambits. 29th Annual Conference of the International   Association for Conflict Management. Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA
 Desivilya Syna, H., Balderman-Shamir, O., & Shamir, M.(2018) Using organizational conflict to promote the “business case”  and/or foster social justice: The case of managers' voices. Annual International Conference IN SSWOV: Organization 4.1:
the role of values in the organizations of the 21st century. Trieste, Italy
שמיר, מ' ושמיר-בלדרמן, א'' (2021) הקשר בין חרדה מצבית, תמיכה חברתית ואושר בקרב אימהות יחידניות בתקופת הקורונה, סוציולוגיה של
.משבר.  הכנס ה- 52 של האגודה הסוציולוגית הישראלית, המכללה האקדמית ספיר , 8-10.2.2021 Shamir M. and Shamir-Balderman, O (2021). The relationship between work-family conflict, social support, happiness, and state-trait.  9th International Conference Work and Family,  Barcelona, Spain
The relationship between work-family conflict, social support, happiness, and state-trait anxiety among single-mothers by choice at time of Corona Sapir College, Isreal 52th
Annual Conference of the Israeli Sociological Association. 9.2.2021
Happiness, organizational support, trust, and passion at work among physicians in public service The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 7.24

Learn with People You Can Learn From: Trust, Need for Achievement, and Sharing of ןnformation and Knowledge among Remote Learning Students The Max Stern Yezreel 

Valley College The annual Research Fairs 6.23

Being Alone in Isolation: attitudes of mothers in Israel During the Covid-19 The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College The annual Research Fairs 6.2022

Learn with People You Can Learn From: Trust, Need for Achievement, and Sharing of Information and Knowledge among Remote Learning Students Prague, Czech Republic The 40th Annual Conference of the AIS/12th Annual Conference of the EAIS 1-4/7/2024