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Cohen, N. (2014). Role conflict and sense of fairness as mediating between division of labor and life satisfaction: Gender perspective and international comparison. University of Haifa, Supervised by: Prof. Yoav Lavee and Dr. Orna Blumen.

Ph.D. Dissertation
Cohen, N. (2018). Associations between Role Accumulation, Role Conflict, Sense of Fairness and Family Life Satisfaction: The Significance of Cultural   Variations. University of Haifa, Supervised by: Prof. Yoav Lavee and Prof. Ruth Katz.

Other Publications
Klinov, R., & Cohen, N. (Eds.) (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). Northern District Statistical Yearbook. Yezreel Valley, Israel: Yezreel Valley Academic College.

Klinov, R., & Cohen, N. (Eds.) (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005). Socio-Economic Review, Northern District. Yezreel Valley, Israel: Yezreel Valley Academic College, Department of Economics and Management.

Rispler, C., & Cohen., N. (2022) Case study of educational program on the topic of financial efficacy that incorporates a collaborative effort between the academia and the community The study of organizations and human resource management quarterly. (Hebrew).

Other Scientific Publications
Kidron, A., Cohen, N., & Gross, M. (2023). The Influence of Flexible Working Arrangements on Women's Employment During Pregnancy and after Maternity Leave in Light of COVID-19: Trends and Guidelines for Policy Formalization. (Hebrew), 75 pp. The National Insurance Institute 2023-2024.

Other Works Connected with my Scholarly Field
1. Introduction to Economics for Non Economists: Course Booklet
2. Computer and ICT literacy: Course Booklet
3. Introduction to Economics: Exercises and Solutions Course Workbook
4. Microeconomics: Exercises and Solutions Course Workbook
5. Financial education for teenagers: Booklet for students