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Raz, A. (2019) The story from within: the transformative potential of storytelling. Feeding the soul – top transpersonal gathering , Milan, Italy.
Raz, A. (2018). "I have received so many presents" - The Influence of a Positive Psychology Course on Students' happiness. European conference of positive psychology, Budapest, Hungary.
רז, א. (2018). מי את(ה) ? ת'שמע סיפור.. כנס פדגוגיה סמינר הקיבוצים, תל אביב. 
Raz, A. (2017). Rest in peace, alive, do you ? 18th European conference of transpersonal psychology, Prague, Czech republic.
Raz, A. (2016). Exploring the many facets of love through storytelling. 17th European conference of transpersonal psychology, Vevus, Romania.
*Raz, A. (2015). Storytelling and the art of being me. Conference of the European transpersonal association in Milan, june 22-24. 
*Raz, A. (2014).  A story from a very inner nowhere – The unique nature of the therapeutic experience during mindfulness based psychotherapy. At the 45th Annual Society for Psychotherapy Resarch Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark.
*Raz, A. (2014).  In search of integration between the conscious and the unconscious in biographical research – Exploring the idea of using mindfulness-based interviews to bridge over the two worlds. Annual Conference of the Life History and Biographical Research Network, Magdeburg, Germany.
Raz, A. (2011). The Tao of poetry: Examining the potential spiritual apprenticeship in poetry through Leah Goldberg “End of the Roads” poem. International journal of art and science, prague, Czech Republic
רז, א. (2004). תימות מרכזיות של יחסים בקרב צעירים המתקשים ביצירת קשר זוגי ממושך. הכנס הבינלאומי הראשון לשיטות מחקר איכותניות, תל אביב, ישראל.